About Us
I had the inspiration of starting this business from seeing myself, friends and family all go through phases of feeling unloved or unvalued by those that should make us feel most loved and valued.
A little bit about my background; I have bounced from country to country for studying, working and leisure and I found that one single thing was consistent, and that was the desire for everyone to feel loved and valuable as a human being.
Even if it was just one person, you could see the difference it would make it an individual if they felt as though they were valued and loved by significant others, family and even friends.
This company is meant to be a safe place for those to spread the positivity and the feeling of loving and valuing yourself or someone else through addressing the importance of mental health.
I dedicate this business to my husband, family and friends for all of the constant effort to make me feel like I am valued and loved. I would like to pass that feeling along to everyone that I can, because that is something we all deserve.
Much love,
B xx